Sunday, October 4, 2009

Many of you have heard I am making a princess costume for I'mani. Her 24 inch doll is getting one too because I needed to practice the embroideries on the same fabric before embroidering on her costume. I added a repeat on her costume to cover the full front. I t hink her costume will have a maderia applique hem, but that is to be determined with me working so much overtime.

I have both side by side, then the doll front skirt, then two of I'mani"s front skirt. The embroideries are from the Martha Pullen Embroidery Club.

1 comment:

Gerry said...

Hey strager! Gosh, it's been forever since I came to visit here. I do appologize!

The costume is way too cute. What a lucky little darling to have you make this for her.

Your new DO is great and you look wonderful. Way to go, GIRL.

Okay, need to go surf around your blog and see what I've missed.

Take care!