Thursday, May 9, 2019

Musings from someone with several chronic conditions

Seeking Understanding From Others

I read an article today that spurred this post. It is not directed to anyone special or any group, but it did hit home for me. I have done research and learned several lessons about myself and my health conditions. Many of the articles pointed out things that I had not really thought about and certainty related to me. I am sure that it relates to others also. Here is the short version. I am curious to learn how others with chronic conditions cope or respond. 

STRUCTURE - Structure of my day and activities is extremely important. Meal times, meal contents, activities, medication times, sleep times, and rest  periods or the lack thereof can definitely affect my ability to function. I often find myself asking friends and family probing questions that are taken as being bitchy or control seeking when, in fact, I am trying to optimize my health. So structure in meal times and sleep times are extremely important to me.

FOOD - The contents of my meals can make or break my ability to function. Too spicy food can cause gastric reflux, meaning I am sitting bolt upright trying to sleep or pacing trying to relieve symptoms. That often triggers migraines or my fibro. So knowing what is in my foods is important to my health. So eat what you want. I don't expect anyone to change their recipes, but I may need to provide my own food or find a work around. I have had people tell me to quit asking questions and eat what is provided. That doesn't help either of us because I become resentful. Please understand that I am trying to prevent gastric reflux, migraines or a fibro flare.

ACTIVITIES - I need more rest than healthy people. I may need to stop and rest along the way. Please keep going. I will catch up. I may need to say no to group planned activities because I know I cannot keep up or even do the activity. Please continue with your plans.

MEDICATIONS - I have dedicated times for medications. When I ask about how long we will be gone or when we will be home, I need to know what medications to take with me. 

SLEEP - I seem to require more sleep than the healthy person. That is one of the reasons that I retired early.

I do not expect anyone to change plans for me. I need to be able to adjust and plan accordingly. So, when I ask questions and continue to probe, please understand that I am not trying to take control or bitching, I am trying to stay healthy.

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