Monday, May 20, 2019

Another Retreat?

I am just back from a four night, five day retreat at Royal Ridges in Battleground. Washington.  Packing is always a chore. What to take, what to leave behind. Thank goodness for my dear husband. He encourages me to go and be with my friends. In addition, he is always up to the task of getting me ready and helping me unpack and do laundry when I get home. Here are my things, ready for Carol Berge to pick me up. At this retreat we have to provide our own bedding and towels, as well as the typical clothing and retreat projects. But they do feed us two meals a day, so it makes our lives easier. We can sew, and sew, and sew without worrying about where our next meal would come from. 

Thank goodness Carol volunteered to drive me on the long trip. I could not have gone otherwise. We also roomed together in a cabin. I made a new. local friend on this trip. I am sure will w ill be doing many activities together.

Sonya Wood was our hostess.  

She has the best retreats several times a year. I always look forward to seeing my many southern Washington friends. Two or three times a year is definitely not enough!

People often ask what happens at retreat. Well, some things stay at retreat. We sew, laugh, eat, comfort and help each other, learn new techniques, encourage creativity, take some field trips to local quilt shops, and eat. Look at the beginning of our snack table.

By the next day, you could not see table for all the treats. Thank goodness some people also brought fruit and veggies. Imagine the sugar high we all had. The better to sew, and sew, and sew!!!

What do we sew? Here are Sonya and Pam working on their string quilts. Imagine the pile of fabrics they also left at home...

Most of the women worked on quilts.

Here is my table mate Barbara Johnson, known as BJ to her friends. We had a ball sitting together. I am surprised we were not separated or put in time out. We were quite mischievous and sometimes just plain naughty.

I sewed Velcro on 10 dresses, made three more  coats including the Velcro, and sewed Velcro on a t-shirt. I did not expect to start my back-up project; however, I not only started it, but finished the flimsy (a new word I learned for finished quilt top). Now to sandwich and quilt it. 

This quilt was supposed to be for my granddaughter I'mani. Instead, I am keeping it and making her a queen size bed quilt. I learned a new way to make flying geese. Thank you Betty and BJ for helping and encouraging me! I plan to practice several times before making the queen size quilt.

Then there was Lisa who sat at the table behind me. We had an opportunity to visit a lot and share grandchildren stories. She was not happy with how her chair was rolling. Here she is fixing it.

I did find another gizmo to buy and a few patterns that need to be in my stash. Here is one of the gizmos. I haven't bought it  yet, but amazon here I come.

BJ made this amazing bag prior to the retreat. We all wanted it. I must add this project in my near future.

It is the large Mondo bag. Her choice of fabrics is beautiful and the bag has so many purposes. I tried to bring it home, but for some reason she kept it. 

There were so many beautiful quilts at show and tell. This is an amazing group of talented, creative women. Many of the quilts were quilted by Jane Prestige. She is a fabulous quilter. I did not get pictures. I was too busy enjoying the show. Many had quilts by Bonnie Hunter. This group follows her closely with her yearly mystery quilts. We also had a retreat at Royal Ridges with Bonnie two years ago. Some of those quilts were finished. Many are still working on them.

Leaving the retreat to come home is bittersweet. I will not see most of these friends again until late in the year. But using my own shower, sleeping in my own bed, having a fabulous meal cooked by the best husband ever, being home to enjoy his company again and having kitties on my lap and in my bed is the best ever. Until next time, keep on quilting and creating!!!

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